Questions & Answers

Q. How do I place an ad?

To place an ad, you need to be a registered member. Registration is free and so is placing ads (up to 20 ads per member).  After you are registered, simply sign in and click on "Post Ads".

Q. How do I cancel or change my ad?

A. First, you need to view your ads (see previous question), then click on the ad description to display the complete ad. The links just below the ad will allow you to cancel, update, or add a picture to your ad.

TIP!  Whenever you update your ad, it returns to the front of the search list, so your ad will receive better exposure if you update it occasionally.

Q. What does the summary view count and full ad view count mean?

A. The ad statistics (located under the full listing of your own ads) will show you what kind of exposure your ad is getting. The summary view count is the number of times that the one line summary of your ad is shown to some user. The full ad view count is the number of times that the full ad listing is shown to a user. The full ad view count is usually seen when someone clicks on the summary line of your ad. Note that viewing your own ad is not counted.

Q. My ad is not location specific. How do I get rid of the location in my ad and have it display everywhere?

A. Sorry, we currently do not allow ads without a location. However, most searches by users do not specify a location, so your ad will likely get exposure from everywhere.

How do I add a picture to my ad?

A. After you place an ad, you will see a link under your ad listing called "Add / Change Picture".

Q. I can't find the ad that I just placed!

A. You can list your own ads by clicking on "My Ads" from the main menu or from the menu bar located at the bottom the search screens. You may also enter the words "My Ads" into any quick search box. Please note that you must be logged in using the registered email address that you used to place the ad.

Q. What is the "Report a problem ad" link for?

A. Since all ads placed on this site are posted immediately, we give our members the opportunity to report ads which are inappropriate (like posting to the wrong category). Please read our ad reporting guidelines.

Q. What is the "Save Ad" link for?

A. When you are browsing through the classified ads and see an ad that interests you, clicking on the "Save Ad" link will save that ad for you so that you may view it at a later date. You can view all of your saved ads by clicking the the "Saved Ads" link from the main menu or menu bar located at the bottom of the search screens. Both guests and members may save ads. However, we can only save ads for guests for as long as they remain logged in.

If your question was not answered here, we'll gladly answer it for you. Just email us at